About Us

Our History

The story that influenced the establishment of the Fruitful Vine Foundation

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It was in the mid-90s when I first had a passion for helping at-risk children and youth. I heard a pathetic story of a boy from the News in Nigeria, my country of origin. The boy was a 9-year-old bus conductor at the time. A 9-year-old starting as a bus conductor raised many eyebrows and caused people to question the whereabouts of his parents.

The boy stated in the interview as follows: “My father was a drunkard, and whenever he came home, he would beat my mom, scatter the house and make my mom and I stay in a corner until the following day. One day my mom decided to leave my father, and she got married to another man, but neither my father’s new wife nor my stepfather wanted me to stay with them.” Ultimately, the boy resorted to sleeping under the bridge across the highway.

A bus driver who saw him sleeping under the bridge interviewed and employed him as a bus conductor. This story has lingered in my mind since I heard the news, and I promised never to leave my children behind in case of any eventuality in the future.

Most children who have experienced some form of childhood trauma, poverty, neglect, abuse, and/or domestic violence tend to lose their focus on becoming someone special and great in life.
These factors certainly led many to struggle with their academics, teen pregnancies, and drug addiction thereby, imposing a threat to society.

Our Mission

To promote the well-being of children, youths and families in our community and develop their talents through creative ideas and activities.

Our Vision

Restoring family values and encouraging the brokenhearted: bringing hope and joy to the younger generation.

Our Mandate

To promote the moral values of every child by engaging them in creative activities that help to develop their talent and brighten their future goals and aspiration. To achieve this, we aim to;

Set up a vocational Centre for visible/ethnic minority groups
Organize reality talent shows for the children on the street and in schools to provide a constructive avenue for discovering talents.
House single-parent children who aim to progress in their education
Use the Turning Point Therapy Magazine publications, seminars, and lectures to educate children about positive lifestyle choices.

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